Trustworthy, safe and reliable VISA services in Indonesia

Family Visa


Family Visa is a residence permit given to a spouse or family whose husband / wife / parents have Indonesian Nationality or a Limited Stay Permit (Indonesian KITAS). Children under the age of 18 years old who wants to stay with their parents in Indonesia are entitled to apply this visa. This visa is also called Family KITAS, valid for 1 year and it is extendable every one year based on Immigration and the Indonesian authority approval.

Documents required for application:
Family visa sponsored by Indonesian family:

  1. Color copy passport with all stamped pages, valid minimal 18 months also sufficient space for the Immigration Stamp.
  2. Original Marriage Certificate registered in the couple both countries.
  3. Original Identity Card Sponsor / Spouse Indonesian Citizen (KTP) and KIPEM/Surat Keterangan Tinggal from the Village (updated the marital status).
  4. Original Family Card Sponsor / Spouse Indonesian Citizen (updated the marital status).
  5. Original Birth Certificate of Sponsor / Spouse Indonesian Citizen.
  6. Marriage Registration Certificate from Civil Registry Office.
  7. Copy Birth Certificate of Sponsor / Spouse Indonesian Citizen
  8. Copy the last 3 (three) months spouse’s Bank Statement. With minimum balance U$D 2,000.00
  9. Red background photographs. Sized 4x6cm= 1pcs
  10. Children under 18 years old, please add: Original Birth Certificate and parents ID Card.
  11. Resident Statement (Surat Keterangan Domisili) from the Head of Village.

Family visa sponsored by spouse or parents with Working Visa:

  1. Color copy passport with all stamped pages, valid minimal 18 months.
  2. Original Marriage Certificate registered in the couple both countries.
  3. Copy of spouse KITAS.
  4. Copy of spouse IMTA, RPTKA and DPKK.
  5. Copy the last 3 (three) months spouse’s Bank Statement.
  6. Red background Photographs. Sized 4x6cm = 1pcs.
  7. Children under 18 years old please add: Original Birth Certificate and parents ID Card.
  8. Sponsor’s company documents required for the sponsorship:
    1. Copy of Company Act / Akta Pendirian
    2. Copy of Company Locality Letter / TDP
    3. Copy of Company Tax Number / NPWP
    4. Copy of Company Business License / SIUP / SITU
    5. Copy of Company Domicile / SKTU
    6. Copy Organization Structure
    7. Copy of Employee Contract
    8. Copy of Director’s ID card
    9. Original 10 pages of Company Letter Heads. Signed by the company director, and sealed with the company stamp.


  1. Please prepare copy all of the document’s and send them to Bali PAS as per address below or as these are copies may be forwarded by email to : or WhatsApp to: +62 818 918 444
  2. Bali PAS shall apply by online, and the E-visa will send to client by an E-mail or WhatsApp.
  3. This E-visa must be used within 90 days from the date of issue.
  4. When the applicant is arrived in Indonesia, please keep your original or photo departure card and contact Bali PAS immediately to do the rest of the arrangement. The next step is to apply a KITAS (Limited Stay Permit Card) to the local Immigration Office. The application must be submitted within 30 days after arrival in Indonesia. This process takes about 3 weeks. During this process, Bali PAS will contact the applicant to come to the Immigration Office for photographs and fingerprints session. Please note, a delay of this application will be subject to a penalty.
  5. The KITAS is valid for 1 year from arrival date in Indonesia. To extend the KITAS, please contact Bali PAS at least 1 month before the expiry date. The KITAS can be extended while the holder is in Indonesia. A KITAS is extendable until 5 times, than the holder can apply a 5 years KITAP (Permanent Stay Permit). A Re-Entry Permit already included in the KITAS, this is required when the KITAS holder is going to leave Indonesia and wish to use the same visa on the way back to enter Indonesia.
  6. An Exit Permit Only (EPO) is required when a KITAS holder wishes to stop using their visa. Please contact Bali PAS at least 1 month before the expiry date of the KITAS or 1 week before exit from Indonesia (Ticket required).


Family KITAS (Limited Stay Permit) index C317 for Dependents & Family Members

Family Kitas is preceded by the C317 index to diversify it from other types of KITAS. If you are married to an Indonesian citizen this Visa allows you to stay for 1 year and it can be extended up to 4 times.



Fee of Family Visa + re-entry permit

IDR 13.000.000 ~ 1000 USD


Fee extension of Family Visa

IDR 8.500.000 ~ 650 USD

10 working days to process a new Family KITAS approval at Directorate General Jakarta Immigration.

Documents required for application: Family visa sponsored by Indonesian family:

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